What you talkin’ about Willis?

I was born in the 1980s and many of my early pop culture memories revolve around the shows recycled from the 70s and early 80s. Gary Coleman made famous the catch phrase “what you talkin’ about Willis?” Younger millennials probably have to google it but older millennials and older generations know that the young Gary Coleman’s character Arnold was always questioning his brother Willis. What does any of this have to do with IT?

Nothing and a few things. We all tell stories and some are better than others. When we buy technology or create a web presence we are hoping to communicate our stories. What I hope to do with WAITS is help you tell your story. To do so, I will ask you questions about what your current set up as doing well and what you would like to see changed. I want you to to tell an incredible story. We will do our best to tell it in a memorable way. Reach out us today and we will do our best to serve you!